Screening is required for all new friends, without exception.

So please, be prepared with accurate information before contacting me for a date.

kindly, disclose all the necessary information in your initial contact on my booking form or via email.

Please, include the desired day/ time/ length & city of our meeting.

I do not answer phone calls, unless pre-arranged.

FOR BOOKING: (Preferable)

-A picture of your ID (showing full name, DOB and photo only);

You may cover/ blur everything else;

-A selfie of you holding the same ID (no hat or glasses on);

-A brief introduction of yourself.

Rest assured, all your information will be handled privately, discreetly and deleted after screening process is complete.

I am very discreet and expect the same from you please.

If you want me to sign a NDA, please send it over at least 48 hours before our date.

P411 members welcome. Please, send me a message thru your P411 and I can screen you from there.

DEPOSITS: 25% deposit required for outcalls and extended rendezvous, that goes toward your booking.

Deposits may vary: Via Venmo, Cash App or Bitcoin. Amazon gift card can be an option.

The remainder balance is due in cash upon arrival.

Cancellation: Under 48hrs cancellation fee of $300 for the scheduled time.

No show or last-minute cancellation, will not be able to reschedule.


๐Ÿ“Febuary – in Europe

Otherwise in Miami and available Worldwide by request.

I am so looking forward to meeting you!


๐Ÿ’Ž Exclusive arrangements available.

    Your Details

    * Full Name:

    * Email:

    * Telephone Number:

    Appointment Details

    * Date of Booking:

    * Time of Booking:

    • :

    * Duration:

    * Incall/Outcall

    * Please provide your location name and address:

    * Please provide your location name and address including country & city:

    Screening Options
    (choose your preferred method of screening)

    1. Companion References
    Minimum of 2 references from companions you have visited in the last 6 months. Name, website, email + phone number.

    * Companion reference 1:

    * Companion reference 2:

    2. Employment Verification

    * Position:

    * Company name:

    * Company main phone number:

    * Your direct line:

    * LinkedIn page:
    with 250+ connections and profile picture.

    3. ID

    * Please provide a copy your photo ID (max file size 5mb):

    4. P411

    * Please provide your P411 details for verification:

    Additional Information

    * Where did you hear about me?

    * If other, please state below:

    * Please enter the directory name below:

    Would you like to share your picture with me? If yes, please upload. (max file size 5mb)

    Comments / questions / requests...